Higo Kinko

Dimensions: 71 mm x 71 mm
Thickness: 4.5mm

A wonderful example of Nishigaki school kinko workmanship. This is the well known "hasen" or "broken fan" theme. A classic motif of Nishigaki and Hayashi schools. Broken fans symbolize the Budist idea of impermanence and this is closely tied to the mind set of a samurai. The design is executed in yakite kusarakashi. This is a method of treating the surface with intentional corrosion or etching to create the motif. The raised forms are softly rendered and give the visual impression of being embossed. This is one of the trade mark styles of Nishigaki works. The ji of this tsuba is copper based and the mimi is brass. The patina of both the ji and mimi is delightful and excellently preserved. Needless to say, kinko works from the Nishigaki shcool are quite rare on the market and are highly sought after. This comes with a deluxe kiri-bako and an NBTHK Hozon paper. An exciting opportunity to acquire a high level Higo Nishigaki school kinko tsuba.

